Cultural + Environmental Resources

Pixel City has made a speciality of the design and layout of substantial guidebooks and other resources to enable the public to explore the environmental and cultural world around them. From birds, plants, insects and grasses to public art and built environment trails, these include custom graphics and a wealth of information.

Macedon Ranges Shire Council – Guide to the Birds of the Macedon Ranges

104 page DL guidebook illustrating 80 birds found in the region, including icons representing habitat, diet and breeding season.

design / layout / custom icons / print liaison

Upper Campaspe Landcare Network – Guide to the Insects of Central Victoria

116 page DL guidebook illustrating hundreds of insects including icons representing lifestyle and habitat. With photographs mainly taken by John Walter of the UCLN the guide was largely funded by four Central Victorian shire councils.

design / layout / custom icons / print liaison

Macedon Ranges Shire Council – Guide to the Grasses of the Central Victoria

96 page DL guidebook illustrating dozens of native and exotic grasses found in the region, including icons representing habit and flowering season.

design / layout / custom icons / print liaison

City of Whitehorse – Indigenous Gardening in Whitehorse

Design and layout of 128 page guide book, including print design, image adjustment, custom educational infographics and icons, as well as additional research and writing

Print design  /  custom graphics / research  /  writing / print liaison

City of Whittlesea – Community art and history maps

Large format brochures with maps and information for self guided tours of the municipality

DESIGN / custom graphics

Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Macedon Ranges Shire Council

Guide to the BIrds of the Macedon Ranges

104 page DL guidebook illustrating 80 birds found in the region, including icons representing habitat, diet and breeding season.

design / layout / custom icons / print liaison

Local government collateral

A range of brochures, postcards, newsletters and signage for this Central Victorian local council.

brand adherence / DESIGN / print liaison / signage / custom graphics

Energy Efficiency Strategies

Energy Efficiency Strategies

Dozens of reports, newsletters, brochures and labels.

branding / DESIGN / custom graphics / photography

City of Whittlesea

City of Whittlesea

Community art and history maps

Large format brochures with maps and information for self guided tours of the municipality

DESIGN / custom graphics

Cultural Heritage program

Quarterly guide to what’s on in the cultural world of the municipality, since 2013

DESIGN / custom graphics / print liaison

Posters and flyers

Hundreds of posters, flyers, book, signs, reports and periodicals

DESIGN / custom graphics / print liaison

Posters and flyers

Hundreds of posters, flyers, book, signs, reports and periodicals

DESIGN / custom graphics / print liaison

Hume City Council

Hume City Council

State of the Environment reports 2005 – 2008

Layout of four years of reports, including graphic design of two.

DESIGN / print liaison / custom graphics / photography